Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities, California Governor's Program GranteesThe California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) is responsible for administering the Governor's portion of the Federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities grant funding from the United States Department of Education. The Governor's Program serves children and youth who are not normally served through state and local educational agencies, or who need additional services. The Governor's Program is designed to complement the California Department of Education (CDE) SDFSC funding by serving:
SDFSC Programs must be based on:
The SDFSC Governor's program funds are provided through a competitive grant process to county Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) offices for program services. To date, ADP has awarded three cohorts of grantees. For each funding cycle, ADP released a competitive grant application process to fund alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and violence prevention programs that meet the requirements of the law and can achieve measurable results. The third cohort of grantees, eighteen grants were competitively awarded. These grants began in October 2007, and focus on the following three priority populations: foster youth, children of substance-abusing parents/caregivers in treatment, and youth with a history of high rate AOD use/binge drinking. The priority is on selective and indicated prevention strategies. This information is also available in the SDFSC Governor's Program Fact Sheet [PDF 46 KB]. For more information regarding the SDFSC Governor's Program, please visit ADP's Prevention Program Services website at For more information regarding the California Department of Education's SDFSC programs, please visit |