TA & Training Services

How Can We Assist You?

Individualized Consultation

Work directly with one or more of our professional consultants on the issues directly impacting your SDFSC grant, prevention organization, or community. Receive expert consultation and recommendations at your site, tailored to meet your individual needs. A TA Request Form is available on-line or you can contact the CARS Team at carsinfo@cars-rp.org


A series of highly interactive workshops can be requested. Topics range from evaluation and working with data, to culturally relevant recruitment and retention strategies. These workshops aim to translate the latest prevention research findings to the best practices and lessons learned from the grantee service providers in the field. Request to host a workshop on-line.

Customized Trainings

When you need training in a specific skill or content area that meets a unique local need, our team of expert consultants is available. They will work closely with you to develop and deliver customized trainings based on the information most relevant to reaching your goals. Recent topics of interest include strategies for evaluation design and rigor, opportunities for field recognition, and methods for program sustainability.
Training Request Form


There are times when your group process requires the finesse of a skilled facilitator to move the agenda forward while fully engaging all participants and building broad agreement.
Training Request Form

Publications and Resources

CARS has a strong reputation for creating and disseminating publications that are relevant, timely, easy to understand, and credible. The appropriate resources can make your work easier by translating sophisticated research findings into concrete tips and strategies for application in real-world settings. The SDFSC Prevention Briefs and other products are available on the project website.


The CARS TA Team is dedicated to the provision of cost-effective services and are integrating the use of topic-specific teleconference trainings.
Training Request Form

While the SDFSC TA Project offered a broad array of services, there are five areas which are prioritized. For substance abuse prevention programs in California interested in customized technical assistance go to http://ca-cpi.org/training/form_TA_application.php

What are the TA service priority areas?

Research-Based Prevention Strategies

A major objective of the SDFSC TA Project is to promote the widespread development and implementation of research and evidence-based prevention approaches. Customized assistance is available to assist prevention providers in assessing, implementing and/or replicating proven prevention practices, programs, and policies with fidelity. Consultation is available for identifying the best strategies and finding an appropriate balance between program fidelity and adaptation of science-based curriculum.

Outcome-Based Planning

The SDFSC TA services emphasize local capacity building to develop and implement processes by which local programs can measure outcomes and utilize evaluation data to guide prevention planning and improvement efforts. Consultation and training is available from the basics including logic model development, identification of feasible outcomes, and selection and/or development of instrumentation to more advanced strategies for data analysis, interpretation, and reporting

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services

TA, training, and resources are available to prevention providers to foster the development and implementation AOD prevention services designed to meet the diverse cultural and linguistic needs of communities throughout California, and most importantly, to develop cultural competence in ways that are relevant to your local communities and participants.


SDFSC TA services address the need for grantees to develop long-term funding strategies and to envision enduring prevention programs to serve your communities. Consultation services focus on the need for multiple strategies including building long-term program infrastructures and partnerships in addition to securing funding. Individualized consultation and trainings are provided on this topic in addition to the dialogue on sustainability generated within the peer learning community.

Technology Transfer/Peer Learning Community

Over time, the SDFSC Governor's Program grantees have developed a peer learning network based on lessons learned, common implementation challenges, and successful prevention strategies. The SDFSC TA team aims to facilitate the exchange of best practices amongst grantees so that peers can become valuable resources to each other. The annual two-day Statewide Learning Community Conference provides a medium for grantees to share their experiences and findings with guided discussion and presentations by expert consultants.

The California Governor’s Program Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Technical Assistance (SDFSC TA) project ended on September 30th, 2011. The project was funded by the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) and managed by the Center for Applied Research Solutions (CARS).

Publications and resources are still available to access through this archived website. If you are a California alcohol, drug or violence prevention program, you may be eligible for no-cost training and technical assistance services.

For further questions, please contact us at 1 (877) 568-4227 or carsinfo@cars-rp.org.

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